Thursday 26 April 2012

Promise I Won't Leak it...

Technology has changed everything. We don't do anything the same way we used to. We don't speak to people face to face anymore, unless it's on FaceTime or Skype. We don't even call people anymore because we can text or IM them. Our thoughts are no longer prisoners of our over active minds, we share and publish them for the world to see on social networks. We don't even meet people the way we used to, face to face in a chance encounter, we meet online. 

Technology has changed everything. Even sex. Now there's no longer that comforting knowledge that "no one will find out" or "thank god no one can see me do this" because while you're getting rug burn on your knees, home boy has his camera phone capturing the moment (I'd smash that shit into oblivion). But what about our naughty moments we CHOOSE to share? 

Nudes and sex tapes have made celebrities famous for years. They somehow manage to leave the confines of secure emails and cell phones and creep their way to tabloids and Internet sites for millions to see. But what about YOUR nudes? What about YOUR sex tape? 

Personally, I love nudes. I love receiving them, and most of the time I like sending them. I think everyone (females especially) has nudes of themselves. At some point we catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror and are impressed enough to have a private cell phone photoshoot of our awesome nakedness. AS YOU SHOULD. 

Ass pictures seem to be the gateway pic for most girls. Not comfortable enough to show an actual private part, the ass picture tends to be a favorite. It also has the advantage of being less identifiable which most girls like. These pics can be very deceiving though. There are flattering angles, positions, even locations (aka cocked up on the bathroom sink... Yeah...) and wardrobe (that one pair of underwear your ass looks just AMAZING in). Big girls get away with a lot with ass pictures too... Y'all know it. 

Titty pics tend to be the next step. Girls like me with pending boob jobs gotta sit this one out. These are a little difficult it seems in terms of posing. There's a lot of holding them up, pushing them together, the occasional nipple cover, just all kinds of placement concerns. I'm more of an ass person, I don't care much for boobs. Especially those HUGE ones with GIGANTIC areolas. Omg... I might puke. Saggy boobs and stretch mark boobs... I dunno just.... Keep that to yourself. 

Full body nakedness is next on the spectrum. Generally these are mirror pics or for the MacBook squad, photo booth pics. Most of the time you can't see much specifically you just notice the absence of clothes. These pics are more about pose and facial expression. And for heavens sake make sure your hair looks good.   This is when a girl's inner model comes out. The poses can get a little out of hand sometimes though. 

Last but certainly not least are the pussy pics. The final FRONTier of nudity. I'll be honest, I don't know why dudes ask for pussy pictures. I mean... Pussy is really not cute. One guy friend of mine said that he asked for pussy pics to see if the girl had an ugly pussy before he hit it. *shrug* I dunno. But regardless of WHY, the pussy picture is the holy grail of cell phone nudity. Guidelines for this? Well, obviously hair removal is a must.  If he wanted to see a rainforest he would watch Avatar. Second, make sure your nails look decent. You can't be spreading them lips and sayin' "cheese" with chipped nail polish. Come on girl. Get your shit together. These pics are not for the faint of heart, ironically it takes some real balls to send someone a pic of your snatch. 

And... Because nudes ain't just for men to enjoy us... 

Fellas, dick pics are great. I can only speak for myself but, I love and appreciate these gems. You can tell a lot about a dude by his dick pic. Yes, there's the obvious, size etc., but you can get an idea of a dude's freak level too. If he's hiding it a Lil bit, under the sheets, just pulled it out the boxers etc. he's probably not much of a freak. But there are those rare few dudes who have hella theatrics ; no draws in the pic, rock hard, or my personal fave, those firm grip pics or the firm grip cuz he just nut (and yes, cum is in the pic). Ok, lemme stop.  My point is... We like naked pics too. So don't be shy. 

And in regards to people who say nudes ruin lives; yes, you're right. In the wrong hands your nudes could become a problem for you. But a certain level of responsibility has to be on the sender. If I don't want my nudes leaked I won't send them. I don't send them TO be leaked, but if I'm afraid someone might see I would just refrain. Obviously sending a naked photo requires a certain level of trust. Those who leak photos ain't shit. That is just so petty. People need to grow up. 

My position on nudes is this: we all have access to things far more graphic. We've watched porn, cruised the Internet and had enough sex by now to know what all these parts look like. So what's the big deal? It's all just skin. Skin we've all seen before. If you're comfortable enough in that skin, by all means, share it. 

The Articulate Bitch

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