Sex is so fun. There are so many different ways to enjoy it. But what about the aspects of sex we don't like? These things exist, I'm sure we all know. Here's a few of the things that I could do without, when it comes to sex.
Pubes. I hate them. I hate the process of removing them too. Changing positions in the shower to shave your cooka, being mildly molested by your wax lady, taking risks with hair removing chemicals. Ugh. I hate it all. But it's necessary. Fellas, some of y'all could be a little more considerate and do a little manscaping too. No one likes pube floss. No one.
Condoms. Yes, necessary evil. I'm all for safe sex so I really just find ways to tolerate these complaints. For one, I hate when niggaz show up with old condoms. The lube has dried out, the damn thing expires in 6 months and the rapper is crinkly and worn out. It's ugly. I also hate dudes not buying their size. Gold wrappers aren't for everyone!!!! But my number one complaint about condoms is that god awful latex & skin & juices smell. OH MY GAWD! It's horrible. It smells like WTF. I'm still trying to understand why it's so gross. Flavored condoms are just as bad! Fuck you mean it tastes like strawberry but my room still smells like WTF. I'm mad. Like I said, necessary evil. Wrap it up.
Sex injuries. This is supposed to be a carefree, feel-good activity. Why do I need to be injured in the process? Why do I need rug burn, a pulled muscle, internal bleeding, a cocoa on my head from the headboard/wall, or any other painful injury? Why? For some reason it seems that whatever causes us pain, makes dudes feel great. I don't appreciate that at all.
There's a few... There will be more!
The Articulate Bitch
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