Wednesday, 4 July 2012

That's So Gay

Pride week in Toronto was purely fabulous. Living in the village/GAYbourhood made it all the better this year and I honestly enjoyed it. But with every year that another pride passes, is another year of phobic folks and their closed minded opinions. I'm gonna do what I can to give y'all phobes some insight, even if you don't change your mind, you need to read this. 

For one, dudes need to stop thinking that every gay dude wants them. A dude liking men does not mean you're his type. Chill. You don't like every girl that you come across, it works the same way. Beyond that, LGBT folks have 'gaydar'. That means they can sense whether you're homofabulous or not. So being loudly, obnoxiously homophobic isn't necessary. It may even work against you. I know more than a few gay men who LOVE messing with dudes who say rude things to them in public. It's funny to them (to me too actually), but certainly won't be to you. Keep your comments to yourself and look away if you're that disgusted. 

Fake lesbians/bi girls annoy the shit outta me. You ladies are why dudes still think its okay to expect a threesome from every girl who likes girls. One year you're just SO gay and now all of a sudden you're not? Yeah. Right. I've said it before, being gay is NOT a choice. If you're just slutty than be so. Don't claim to like pussy. You know you're doing it to impress niggaz. We are not amused.

Being gay-tolerant does not make a person gay. Should go without saying but... Well homophobes aren't generally that informed anyway. Y'all sound like down south KKK members calling white people "nigger lovers". Honestly it's just so off-base. 

Homophobic men, black ones especially kill me because so much of what they claim to hate is an integral part of their lives. Oh, you "HATE" gays huh? That's a nice Louis Vuitton belt you're wearing. Those Versace sunglasses are awfully nice. That Gucci watch is stunning. Those Christian Louboutin sneakers are sick. For someone who hates gays so much you sure are wearing a lot of them. Gay men RUN the fashion world. Don't you EVER forget it.

While I'm at it, maybe instead of hating gays so much you should hate the straight mother and father who brought them here. No? Oh. Okay. 

The Articulate Bitch


  1. Sure, some women use bisexuality as a seduction tactic to get men, but that should not warrant an "I hate bi girls" comment. It sounds to me like you hate stupid girls. Don't forget what the "B" in LGBT stands for. It's a shame that because of people like you, truly bisexual women can't feel like a part of their own community.

    1. No no, you misunderstood. I meant that I don't like the FAKE bi girls. I believe in bisexuality completely. For both men and women

  2. Oh. Well my apologies sister. Write on lol.

  3. I love ur blog Jamsz yuh truly bring shit to surface nd as a bi female I kno wat u mean by u hate fake bi ppl I do too like y u beggin to b somethin ur not to impress ppl they shud like u for u...
