Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Punishable Good Deeds

People, in general, tend to be blissfully unaware of themselves. They flutter blissfully through life unaware that their actions and intentions are as plain and obvious as the smile on their face.

I've heard it said that "no good deed goes unpunished". The concept of that statement, from what I gather, is essentially the same basis for "nice guys finish last". And while it is true that in life it seems that the nicest people have the hardest time, we all know those OTHER people. Those who only do nice things to be praised for them.

I have a special brand of dislike for these people. A good deed done for thanks is not a good deed at all. A good deed is done selflessly, with no intention toward receiving anything in return. Yet there are people, and we all know at least one, who will do nice things only to have leverage over you. That is why so many people refuse favors from others. They'll tell you straight up "I don't wanna owe nobody shit," and I can't wrong them.

Accepting a favor from someone, whether you asked for it or not, is risky business. But accepting a favor from one of these "fake good" people is very nearly the end of the world. They hold it over you forever, remind you of it at any given chance and gain a remarkably disproportionate sense of entitlement. Now you find yourself caught between wanting to punch them in the fucking face for being a dickhead and feeling like an ungrateful cunt. So what do you do? You nod and smile, take the shit they dish out, accept defeat and keep it moving. Why? Because you know what they will say the moment you show defiance; "that's how you're gonna act after I blah blah blah for you when you needed it most?". Ah! Now the truth comes out.

These people, are literally just biding their time waiting for the moment to get to use that line. Some of them are so bold they'll use it regularly on you just to keep you in place. But they play mind games superbly. They push and test your limits, seeing how much they can bend you until you break at their will. Essentially it's what I like to call Favor Slavery.

Favor slavery is the worst form of manipulation. There's probably a special place in hell for people who do this but perhaps the worst part is that they don't think anything is wrong with it. To them it is perfectly acceptable to hold someone ransom simply because they may have done something nice for them. Certain people are just satisfied to carry a sense of entitlement with them all though their days. They tend to be the ones who feel like the world owes them something anyway.

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