Saturday, 11 August 2012

Nothing's Wrong...Except Everything

Everyday I spend on twitter is another day full of annoyances and the ridiculous shit I witness people do and say. Some things are so off putting I often begin my 140 characters at a time rants based off them. I'm not much into subtweeting since many of my opinions apply to a great number of folks making the same mistake, and I don't want any particular person feeling singled out. So here are a few things that have been grinding my gears lately.

1. Baby Mama/Baby Fava Tweets - this shit is so waste! Stop bashing the mother/father of your offspring on a public forum like twitter. I almost expect this of baby mothers because females are insane and have no cover for their mouth. But baby fathers tweeting shit about their baby moms on twitter is the epitome of waste in my books. This is the woman you laid with, fucked raw, nutted in and made a mother. If you can't even keep your disrespect for her off the Internet, you sir, are a bitch nigga. Any dude disrespecting a female online needs to pull his skirt down.

2. Thirst Trap Tweets - sooooooo many girls do this. It's like they're fake casual with it, "I'm just gonna tweet that I'm going in the shower/ need a massage/ want to cuddle/ home alone/ bored and not expect a flood of response," bitch OH. These are the same girls who will be the first to call a nigga thirsty, knowing full well they brought it on themselves. Hoe, that is called entrapment. Hence the term "thirst trap". Stop frontin'. We are all sooooo over you.

3. Obvious Subtweets - oh my gawd! We all know who you're talking about. Especially when the person you're subtweeting is on our TL too. Nigga will say "what's your favorite color?" bitch won't @ reply him with her answer, 'cause for some reason everyone on twitter is a fool except her, so she tweets "blue... Tee hee" like motha fuckas don't know who she's talkin' to. You're honestly so annoying. Chief Keef would not like this.

4. Promo Spam - from the bottom of my Hennessy drinking heart I HATE this shit. I look down my timeline and see promoters or rappers spamming the shit outta my TL with a copy and pasted tweet about their party, or single, or mixtape as they @ reply as many individuals as can fit in the 140 characters. YOU'RE SO ANNOYING! Just tweet it! Your followers will see it. How annoying would it be to get spammed with TAB blog links all fuckin day? Exactly. MOVING ON!

5. Heat Score Tweets - these fall into two categories: those that can land you in jail and those that can cause mixup. If you haven't learned by now, especially in light of recent events, popular media (news papers and news shows) and cops can and will question you based on your tweets. Folks in Toronto found themselves being quoted in newspapers word for word after the scarborough incident. TDot jakes have twitter brah. You tweeting "Just re'd-up," is probably not the best idea. Talking about how strapped you are, best left for verbal convos with non-snitches.

Category two contains those who tweet shit they think no one can decipher. Kinda like the obvious subtweeters just a bit more subby. They'll tweet some shit that only someone who knows them or their situation will comprehend. Like twitpic'ing themselves in someone else's bathroom and you happen to know that's not her man's house. Or tweeting that they just left a location which you know is directly near her ex's house. These tweeters dry snitch on themselves and have to make up elaborate lies to cover their asses. Some will even go so far as to make you feel like you're the one trippin' for thinking they're guilty of something, even if it's blatantly obvious. Shit's mad annoying. Y'all need to chill, you're not fooling anyone.

Obviously here are plenty more, and when I have accumulated another list, I'm sure I'll be back to post my grievances for y'all to relate and read.

The Articulate Bitch

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