Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Why Amber Rose is a Real Nigga

I'm so ready for the controversy that may follow this one.  

Amber and I have this imaginary relationship (that I have formed using my vivid imagination and general day-dreaming tendencies) which has taken us through ups and downs. But, I'm back in love with my bald shorty again. And I want y'all to understand why I see Amber Rose as a real nigga. 

Now, Pre-Kanye I wondered who the hot white girl with the bald head was in that Luda video. Some time later I'm cruising the Internet and who do I see on the arm of one of my favourite assholes? My first reaction: SWAG! This girl is fucking beautiful and dresses her ass off. Rarely do I not like what she's wearing, especially recently. She's able to pull off just about anything being as gorgeous as she is. Tom boy style with sneakers, a fitted and a wood Jesus piece, no problem. Floor length bright red ball gown? Bring it on. Let's not forget how amazing she looks in her birthday suit... But we'll get to that. 

In love, his girl is a shining example of dedication to a relationship. I've said it before, folks have told me what an absolute sweetheart this girl is. Seeing how she was with Mr West and now as Mrs Khalifa, I respect and admire her bravery in love and to love again. She seems like the type of girlfriend/wife to enjoy just being in the same room as her lover. Can't hate on her one bit for that. 

I love her boldness and honesty as well. When we still knew nothing about Ms Rose, pictures began popping up of her with another girl (albeit a clear butch). In an interview she eloquently stated that she's not concerned with gender, but with love and what the heart wants. Granted, hearing that Amber Rose was bisexual had dicks everywhere hard, but it didn't come across as a publicity stunt or cry for attention. Truthfully she wouldn't have needed to at the time anyway. 

Then came the stripper thing. Many people were sort of up in arms about it. God only knows why, but I digress. At the time Amber was seen as nothing more than a video vixen and arm candy, which made me wonder why her being a stripper previously was any shock.  At any rate, the big deal about her last career blew over fairly quickly. She may have even opened doors for the popularity of certain adult entertainment engineers. I've never seen so many stripper celebrities before her. 

Aprés Kanye, Amber started doing a lot on her own as far as building herself up. She was getting booked everywhere for appearances (including my lovely city), signed a modeling contract with an elite agency and began working with Vintage Frames company on campaigns (Behind Her Shades ... Trouser Snake). Home girl puts in mucho work!

More controversy raised its ugly head when nudes of her leaked (again?) and were rapidly copied and pasted across the web. The problem? Well, by this time she was deep in it with Wiz, it just wasn't looking good. Even I wondered how she was gonna get herself outta this one. But once again with grace she did her damage control. Coming out of it fairly unscathed. But let's be honest, those pics were great. I STILL have them saved and I have no intentions of parting ways with my Amber nudes (sorry Ambs, but if I can't see it in person I'm gonna hold onto hope... And those pics).

So what am I saying? I'm saying here's a sweet girl who has been called every hoe-like name, loved, lost, loved again, worked her amazing ass off, set a trend for bald blonde light skin girls everywhere, and has remained relevant without the aid of a boyfriend with a smile on her face despite sand thrown in her eyes time and time again. 

It takes a special kind of person to gain popularity from their love life and not be destroyed when it ends. Only a strong person can have their wet and squishy bits plastered all over the Internet and still smile on a red carpet. And only Amber Rose can inhale that much bleach fumes and still remain an example of a determined as fuck female. Salute. 

The Articulate Bitch

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