Monday, 7 May 2012

Stereotypes: Life's Time Saver

I know it's supposed to be wrong to judge people based on stereotypes, but let's be honest, we do it anyway. We're not supposed to believe that asian people can't drive, but every time someone does an ignorant lane change we look to confirm our suspicion that an Asian is behind the wheel. We're not supposed to assume that a black person is responsible for a random shooting in the west end, then we hear the suspect description: "black male between the ages....", and shake our heads in knowing disbelief.  Stereotypes only have a negative connotation because obviously they don't fit everyone within the group. They're only offensive to the exceptions. 

In Toronto, much like anywhere else, you can witness the worst stereotypes just among black people alone. You can tell which part of the city someone is from by the way they dress, their hair styles and certainly by the way they speak. 

East End - you can't always readily identify an east end dude. They aren't as obvious as west end or downtown dudes. Generally, east end dudes are fashionable, but refuse to push the style envelope too far for fear of appearing at all gay. They're like a cross between a west end nigga and a downtown nigga. Weed smokers, still bumpin' hood mixtapes and trap music, but with a dose of hipster. 

Downtown Swaggery - downtown dudes come in three categories: lakeshore pimps, Queen West style gods and goons. Lakeshore pimps (so called because they all live in condos on or near lakeshore) are big spenders. Whether bonafied or fugayzi, they wanna show you that they have it. They dress flashy, drive nice cars and are rarely ever seen in the club without a couple girls and a bottle. Queen west style gods are so called because they're fashion district residents. Surrounded by vintage clothing, tattoo shops and exclusive boutiques, these dudes are dressed to the nines at all times. It might look like they just rolled out of bed, (and maybe they did) but don't let the camo fool you, these dudes have major style. 

West End - these fellas are probably the most readily identifiable dudes in the city. These are those dudes that look like they just might rob or rape you. It's either they dress like they haven't downloaded a mixtape since Get Rich or Die Trying, or they're dressing like their favorite rapper (not Lil Wayne though). True Religions are a must, jewelry is mandatory and an enviable collection (and obsession) of Jordans. This is that nigga that will look down on you because you don't smoke a pack of backwoods a day. Weed is not weed to them, it's trees and these dudes gotta know if it's dro or sess before they cop it. These dudes have a link for EVERYTHING though! And since most of them are still living that thug life to some extent or another the sex is pretty good. It should be considering they live part time in jail. However, don't love these niggaz, chances are they got a crazy baby moms itching to prove how much more she loves him than you. Fuck that. They've got their own language just like the other ends of the city but there's is like a down south drawl. Too many slang words and high pitched emphasis. Shit is mad confusing if you're not from Toronto. 

Maybe you agree with me, maybe you don't. Maybe you're one of those rare exceptions and find this offensive. Either way, if you think about it, these are stereotypes because majority of the time they are accurate. 

Part two coming soon. I'll address the various Toronto females. 

The Articulate Bitch

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