Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Casual Consistency

I'll stop you right there. No, this is not a lonely, horny girl tirade. I'm not dick deprived and suffering from withdrawal. I'm just making an observation. As usual. Enough with the disclaimer.

You know what I miss? Consistent sex. I don't mean the average, everyday, run of the mill sex. Consistent sex refers to that regularly scheduled dick that never disappoints. That 'just because' or that 'you know what time it is' sex. That sex you don't have to ask for or plan, it's just understood.

The best part of consistent sex is the way it develops. It never begins as consistent, it starts off as casual. That "it just sorta happened" sex. Those ones where maybe it's a friend of yours who after a drink and some high grade kush, flipped you on your back one night and gave you the business. That unplanned shit.

Casual sex is fun in the sense that it's a surprise. You don't know what to expect. You're just hoping its good. Casual sex can do wonders for your ego too. It's not (and never should be) about feeling. No. Casual sex is called casual for a reason. It's informal. This is not your boyfriend, he doesn't love you, he's not going to make love to you (unless that's just his style.... Which  might be concerning), and after y'all have finished wearing each other out, you're not going to cuddle and pillow talk. You're probably going to high five (shoutout @NerdAtTheCoolTable for that blog post on the After-Sex High Five), smoke a blunt and part ways (the high five and blunt being strictly optional).

Consistent sex comes in when the casual sex y'all had, mixed with the level of comfort y'all have with each other, allows for multiple casual encounters of the satisfying kind.  You guys have chemistry or whatever. Sex with someone you don't give two shits about can be good, no doubt. Sex when you're in love is awesome though. Consistent sex is he best of both worlds. You have the quantity and quality of "deep in love relationship" sex without the obsessive attachment that comes with emotions.  Essentially, this is the sex you have with a 'cutty buddy' or 'fuck friend'.

I hear y'all over there being all doubtful. Many people think this sort of relationship isn't possible. That men and women can't be just friends, much less friends who fuck. Grow up. If you don't know how to separate the physical from the emotional... Go get you a boyfriend. Clearly you need someone to care about your feelings and tell you that your body is a wonderland. I've had a successful fuck friend. And we're still friends to this day. Why? Because neither of us gave a fuck about the other's feelings. It was strictly physical. We even talked shit afterward. Dude went thru his BBM list (yes this was back in the days of the struggle berry) and showed me all the girls he slept with while we laughed at he horror stories of terrible box and head game.

See? No emotion. Just sex. If your heart is broken and you're still punishing the male species for what that last dude did, you need to flex your chill muscle. You're being literal penis repellent, and lack of sex makes many people miserable. So, go engage in some (SAFE) casual sex and release that stress. If your lucky, you may end up with something consistent. But don't let your emotions ruin a good thing. My advice is not to push for something you don't know he wants. If he brings it to you then hey, run with it. But if it's just sex... Let it be JUST SEX.

The Articulate Bitch

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