Thursday, 9 May 2013

Letter To Courtney Garcia

Hey girl,

Come, sit. Let's chat.

You wrote a letter to "Young BJ" (as I am affectionately calling her), the young lady who gave Danny Brown a blow job on stage, which could have been better. I liked some of it. Even got a couple chuckles in but please, let me help you out by showing you what other options were available to you:

Number 1: you could have simply NOT wrote the letter. Just saying.

Number 2: you could have laughed at the hilarity of it just like most people did and do. The shit was funny.

Number 3: you could have wrote a piece slandering groupies instead. Young BJ is but ONE female out of many who throw inhibition to the wind to limitlessly aim to meet, greet, suck and fuck their favourite (or any) artist. That would have been a better contribution to huffpo than a personal attack on Young BJ.

Number 4: this isn't an option, but rather a question: which hip hop concert have you been to where the audience fist pumps yelling "west side"? Your option here was to decidedly leave that corny suggestion out.

Number 5: you might have considered the fact that speaking on any rapper's dental situation is pointless since Nas is the only one who has ever cared enough to fix his pearly whites. Danny Brown came in the game as a dirty nigga and goddamnit I like him that way. Teeth and all.

Number 6: you may have taken the road less travelled and alternately praised Young BJ as a hero amongst groupies. Young BJ did what the average groupie can not and will not do: make her true groupie-ness known. She knew people would record it, capture it, post it an upload it for the world to see and did that stop her? Nope. She saw Danny Brown's dick inches from her face, Kanye shrugged, and showed him what dat mouf do like "fuck it. YOLO". That took guts (and perhaps a lot of spit).

Number 7: I don't know if you're even a Danny Brown fan but as I said before. He's a dirty nigga. I expect... nay... I DEMAND to see scandalous shit and morally reprehensible actions at a show like his. Have you listened to "I Will"? If it were possible to eat pussy and rap on stage, I'm sure he would have already done it. However, manners says we are not to speak with our mouths full. So he got some sloppy toppy instead so he wouldn't have to stop rapping for his fans. The way I see it, he's quite the gentleman.

My my, how nice of you it was to offer to SIT with Danny Brown to write a "legit" article. You're already published on a widely read site. Perhaps you should have written a "legit" article from the beginning.

I'm not going to make this long winded. I'm just saying, YOU had options too.


The Articulate Bitch